首先把下面的文件添加到 WP根目录 以及 子比主题文件里
首先我们需要在 WP的根目录里面添加个文件 命名为 mx-medal.php
mx-medal.php 代码
* Template name: Zibll-勋章中心
* Description: A archives page
require 'wp-load.php';
$header_style = zib_get_page_header_style();
if (get_current_user_id() == ''){
echo ('<div class="zib-widget relative inline-div _medal_yes" align="center" style="width: 100%; height: 200%; margin:0 auto;"><h1><b>您没有登录,请先登录在访问本页面!</b></h1></div><br>');
if($_GET['action'] == 'buy_xz'){
$js_get = buy_xz(get_current_user_id(),$_GET['js_xz_id']);
echo "<script>alert('" . $js_get . "');location.href='/mx-medal.php';</script>";
if($_GET['action'] == 'set_xz'){
$js_get = set_user_xz_zt(get_current_user_id(),$_GET['xz_id'],$_GET['xz_zt']);
echo "<script>alert('" . $js_get . "');location.href='/mx-medal.php';</script>";
function mx_buy_xz_js(xz_id,xz_name){
if(confirm("确定要兑换" + xz_name + "吗?")){
window.location = "/mx-medal.php?action=buy_xz&js_xz_id=" + xz_id
function mx_set_xz(xz_id,xz_zt) {
if (xz_zt == 'true') {
window.location = "/mx-medal.php?action=set_xz&xz_id=" + xz_id + "-false&xz_zt=" + xz_zt
window.location = "/mx-medal.php?action=set_xz&xz_id=" + xz_id + "&xz_zt=" + xz_zt
.inline-div {
display: inline-block;
width: auto;
height: auto;
margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
._medal_yes::after {
color: rgb(76, 175, 80);
position: absolute;
line-height: 1;
top: 1rem;
right: 1rem;
font-size: 2rem;
font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free";
content: "✔";
font-weight: bold;
z-index: 1;
echo mx_get_all_xz_html();
echo mx_get_user_xz_html();
function mx_get_all_xz_html()
$all_xz = get_all_xz();
//$array = get_object_vars($all_xz);
$html = '';
$c = ",";
$u_h = '';
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
$html .= '<div class="user-card zib-widget xz" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin:0 auto;" align="center"><h2>勋章中心</h2>';
$user_xz = mx_query_xz($user_id);
foreach ($all_xz as $val) {
if ($val) {
foreach (explode('|',$user_xz) as $xz_val){
$v = str_replace('-false','',$xz_val);
if($v == $val->ID){
$u_h = '1';
$html .= '<div class="zib-widget relative inline-div _medal_yes" style="width:150px;"><a title="' . $val->name . '"><img src="' . $val->img . '" style="margin-right:5px;" width="100" height="50"></a>
<div><b>' . $val->name . '</b></div><div>' . $val->info . '</div></div>';
$u_h = '';
if($u_h == '') {
$a = "'";
$html .= '<div id="' . $val->ID . '" onclick="mx_buy_xz_js(' . $a . $val->ID . $a . $c . $a . $val->name . $a . ')" class="zib-widget relative inline-div" style="width:150px;"><a title="' . $val->name . '"><img src="' . $val->img . '" style="margin-right:5px;" width="100" height="50"></a>
<div><b>' . $val->name . '</b></div><div>' . $val->info . '</div></div>';
if ($html) {
$html .= '</div><br>';
return $html;
} else {
return '数据库中没有勋章!';
function mx_get_user_xz_html(){
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
$xz = mx_query_xz($user_id);
$a = "'";
$c = ",";
if ($xz){
$xzhtml = '';
$xzhtml .= '<div class="user-card zib-widget xz" align="center">
foreach (explode('|',$xz) as $val){
foreach (explode('-',$val) as $v){
$b = '1';
$b = '';
if ($b == ''){
$xz_info = get_xz_info($val);
if ($val){
$xzhtml .= '<div id="' . $xz_info['ID'] . '" onclick="mx_set_xz(' . $a . $xz_info['id'] . $a . $c . $a . 'false' . $a . ')" class="zib-widget relative inline-div" style="width:150px;"><a title="' . $xz_info['name'] . '"><img src="' . $xz_info['img'] . '" style="margin-right:5px;" width="100" height="50"></a>
<div><b>' . $xz_info['name'] . '</b></div><div>' . '佩戴中' . '</div></div>';
$xz_info = get_xz_info($val);
if ($val){
$xzhtml .= '<div id="' . $xz_info['ID'] . '" onclick="mx_set_xz(' . $a . $xz_info['id'] . $a . $c . $a . 'true' . $a . ')" class="zib-widget relative inline-div" style="width:150px;"><a title="' . $xz_info['name'] . '"><img src="' . $xz_info['img'] . '" style="margin-right:5px;" width="100" height="50"></a>
<div><b>' . $xz_info['name'] . '</b></div><div>' . '未佩戴' . '</div></div>';
$xzhtml .= '</div></div>';
return $xzhtml;
return '您还没有勋章';
get_footer(); ?>
然后我们需要在把 mx-medal.php 添加到 zibll\pages 这个文件夹里面 最后在后台添加页面模板即可!
我们去后台数据库里面 添加 xz.sql 这个数据库文件 以及 文件的代码注释 文件放在下面了
如何添加数据库 可以在百度搜索下
首先我们找到 zib-author.php
文件目录[ zibll\inc\functions\zib-author.php ]
* @Author : Qinver
* @Url : zibll.com
* @Date : 2020-09-29 13:18:37
* @LastEditTime: 2024-07-15 11:07:45
* @Email : 770349780@qq.com
* @Project : Zibll子比主题
* @Description : 一款极其优雅的Wordpress主题
* @Read me : 感谢您使用子比主题,主题源码有详细的注释,支持二次开发。
* @Remind : 使用盗版主题会存在各种未知风险。支持正版,从我做起!
function zib_author_header()
global $wp_query;
$curauth = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
if (empty($curauth->ID)) {
$author_id = $curauth->ID;
$cover_btns = apply_filters('author_header_more_btn', '', $author_id);
$cover_btns = $cover_btns ? '<div class="abs-center right-bottom padding-6 cover-btns">' . $cover_btns . '</div>' : '';
$cover_html = '<div class="page-cover">' . get_user_cover_img($author_id) . '<div class="absolute linear-mask"></div>' . zib_get_author_header_metas($author_id) . $cover_btns . '</div>';
$avatar = zib_get_data_avatar($author_id);
$avatar = str_replace(' class="', ' class="alone-imgbox-img ', $avatar);
$name = '<div class="em12 name">' . zib_get_user_name("id=$author_id&vip=1&auth=0&medal=0") . '</div>';
$desc = '<div class="mt6 desc muted-2-color">' . get_user_desc($author_id) . '</div>';
$btns = '<div class="header-btns flex0 flex ac">' . zib_get_author_header_btns($author_id) . '</div>';
$identity = apply_filters('author_header_identity', '', $author_id);
$info_html = '<div class="flex header-info relative hh">';
$info_html .= '<div class="flex0 header-avatar"><span class="avatar-img">' . $avatar . '</span></div>';
$info_html .= '<div class="flex1">';
$info_html .= $name;
$info_html .= $identity ? '<div class="user-identity flex ac hh">' . $identity . '</div>' : '';
$info_html .= $desc;
$info_html .= '</div>';
$info_html .= $btns;
$info_html .= '</div>';
$html = '<div class="author-header mb20 radius8 main-shadow main-bg full-widget-sm">';
$html .= $cover_html;
$html .= '<div class="header-content">';
$html .= $info_html;
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '</div>';
echo $html;
function zib_filter_author_header_desc_super_admin($desc, $user_id)
$super_admin = is_super_admin($user_id) ? '<span class="badg c-red">管理员</span>' : '';
return $desc . $super_admin;
add_filter('author_header_identity', 'zib_filter_author_header_desc_super_admin', 10, 2);
function zib_get_author_header_btns($author_id)
if (!$author_id) {
$current_id = get_current_user_id();
$btns = '';
if ($current_id && $current_id == $author_id) {
$btns .= zib_get_user_center_link('but c-blue ml10 pw-1em radius', zib_get_svg('user') . '用户中心'); //用户中心
if (_pz('message_s')) {
$btns .= zibmsg_nav_radius_button($current_id, 'ml10');
} else {
$btns .= zib_get_user_follow('but jb-pink ml10 pw-1em', $author_id); //关注
if (_pz('private_s', true) && _pz('message_s', true)) {
$btns .= Zib_Private::get_but($author_id, zib_get_svg('private') . '私信', 'but jb-blue ml10 pw-1em'); //私信
} else {
$btns .= zib_get_rewards_button($author_id, 'rewards but jb-blue ml10 pw-1em'); //打赏
return $btns;
function zib_get_author_header_metas($author_id)
if (!$author_id) {
$like_n = get_user_posts_meta_count($author_id, 'like');
$view_n = get_user_posts_meta_count($author_id, 'views');
$followed_n = _cut_count(get_user_followed_count($author_id));
$items = $view_n ? '<item><a data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="人气值 ' . $view_n . '">' . zib_get_svg('hot') . $view_n . '</a></item>' : '';
$items .= $like_n ? '<item><a data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="获得' . $like_n . '个点赞">' . zib_get_svg('like') . $like_n . '</a></item>' : '';
$items .= $followed_n ? '<item><a data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="共' . $followed_n . '个粉丝"><i class="fa fa-heart em09"></i>' . $followed_n . '</a></item>' : '';
$metas = $items ? '<div class="flex ac single-metabox cover-meta abs-right"><div class="post-metas">' . $items . '</div></div>' : '';
return $metas;
* @description: 作者页主内容外框架
* @param {*}
* @return {*}
function zib_author_content()
global $wp_query;
$curauth = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
$author_id = $curauth->ID;
$is_mobile = wp_is_mobile();
$tabs_args = array();
$tabs_opt = _pz('author_main_tab_opt',
'post' => array(
'pc_s' => true,
'm_s' => true,
'favorite' => array(
'pc_s' => true,
'm_s' => true,
'comment' => array(
'pc_s' => true,
'm_s' => true,
'plate' => array(
'pc_s' => true,
'm_s' => true,
'forum' => array(
'pc_s' => true,
'm_s' => true,
'follow' => array(
'pc_s' => true,
'm_s' => true,
if ($tabs_opt && is_array($tabs_opt)) {
foreach ($tabs_opt as $opt_k => $opt_v) {
if (((empty($opt_v['pc_s']) && !$is_mobile) || (empty($opt_v['m_s']) && $is_mobile))) {
$new_tab = array();
switch ($opt_k) {
case 'post':
$post_count = zib_get_user_post_count($author_id, 'publish');
$new_tab = array(
'title' => '文章<count class="opacity8 ml3">' . $post_count . '</count>',
'content_class' => '',
'route' => true,
'loader' => zib_get_author_tab_loader('post'),
case 'favorite':
$new_tab = array(
'title' => '收藏<count class="opacity8 ml3">' . apply_filters('author_tab_favorite_count', get_user_favorite_post_count($author_id), $author_id) . '</count>',
'content_class' => '',
'route' => true,
'loader' => zib_get_author_tab_loader('post'),
case 'comment':
if (!_pz('close_comments')) {
$comment_count = get_user_comment_count($author_id);
$new_tab = array(
'title' => '评论<count class="opacity8 ml3">' . $comment_count . '</count>',
'content_class' => '',
'route' => true,
'loader' => zib_get_author_tab_loader('comment'),
case 'follow':
$new_tab = array(
'title' => '粉丝<count class="opacity8 ml3">' . _cut_count(zib_get_user_follow_count($author_id, 'followed')) . '</count>',
'content_class' => 'text-center',
'route' => true,
'loader' => zib_get_author_tab_loader('follow'),
$new_tab = apply_filters('author_main_tab_' . $opt_k, array(), $author_id);
if ($new_tab) {
$tabs_args[$opt_k] = $new_tab;
$tab_swiper = _pz('author_main_tab_swiper', false);
$tabs_args = apply_filters('author_main_tabs_array', $tabs_args, $author_id);
$tab_nav = zib_get_main_tab_nav('nav', $tabs_args, 'author', $tab_swiper);
$tab_content = zib_get_main_tab_nav('content', $tabs_args, 'author', $tab_swiper);
if ($tab_nav && $tab_content) {
$html = '<div class="author-tab zib-widget">';
$html .= '<div class="affix-header-sm" offset-top="6">';
$html .= $tab_nav;
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= $tab_content;
$html .= '</div>';
echo $html;
function zib_get_author_tab_loader($key)
$args = array(
'post' => str_repeat('<div class="posts-item flex"><div class="post-graphic"><div class="radius8 item-thumbnail placeholder"></div> </div><div class="item-body flex xx flex1 jsb"> <p class="placeholder t1"></p> <h4 class="item-excerpt placeholder k1"></h4><p class="placeholder k2"></p><i><i class="placeholder s1"></i><i class="placeholder s1 ml10"></i></i></div></div>', 4),
'comment' => str_repeat('<div class="posts-item no_margin"><div class="author-set-left"><div class="placeholder k2"></div></div><div class="author-set-right"><div class="placeholder t1 mb10"></div><i><i class="placeholder s1"></i><i class="placeholder s1 ml10"></i></i></div></div>', 6),
'follow' => str_repeat('<div class="author-minicard radius8 flex ac" style="display: inline-flex;margin:5px 8px;"><div class="avatar-img mr10"><div class="avatar placeholder"></div></div><div class="flex1"><div class="placeholder k1 mb6"></div><i><i class="placeholder s1"></i><i class="placeholder s1 ml10"></i></i></div></div>', 6),
return isset($args[$key]) ? $args[$key] : $args['post'];
function zib_main_author_tab_content_favorite()
global $wp_query;
$curauth = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
if (empty($curauth->ID)) {
$author_id = $curauth->ID;
$paged = isset($_GET['favorite_paged']) ? $_GET['favorite_paged'] : 1;
$orderby = !empty($_REQUEST['orderby']) ? $_REQUEST['orderby'] : 'post__in';
return zib_get_favorite_posts_lists($author_id, $paged, $orderby);
function zib_get_favorite_posts_lists($user_id, $paged = 1, $orderby = 'post__in')
if (!$user_id) {
$ice_perpage = get_option('posts_per_page');
$args = array(
'no_margin' => true,
'is_author' => true,
$post_args = array(
'ignore_sticky_posts' => true,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'order' => 'DESC',
'paged' => $paged,
'posts_per_page' => $ice_perpage,
'orderby' => $orderby,
$post_args = zib_query_orderby_filter($orderby, $post_args);
$ajax_url = false;
$lists = '';
$count_all = 0;
$favorite_ids = (zib_get_user_meta($user_id, 'favorite-posts', true));
if ($favorite_ids) {
$post_args['post__in'] = array_reverse((array) $favorite_ids);
$the_query = new WP_Query($post_args);
$count_all = $the_query->found_posts;
wp_cache_set($user_id, $count_all, 'user_favorite_post_count');
$lists .= zib_posts_list($args, $the_query, false);
if (!$lists) {
$lists = zib_get_ajax_null('暂无收藏内容', 60, 'null-2.svg');
if (_pz('paging_ajax_s', true)) {
$paginate = zib_get_ajax_next_paginate($count_all, $paged, $ice_perpage, $ajax_url, 'text-center theme-pagination ajax-pag', 'next-page ajax-next', '', 'favorite_paged');
} else {
$paginate = zib_get_ajax_number_paginate($count_all, $paged, $ice_perpage, $ajax_url, 'ajax-pag', 'next-page ajax-next', 'favorite_paged');
return $lists . $paginate;
function zib_main_author_tab_content_follow()
global $wp_query;
$curauth = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
if (empty($curauth->ID)) {
$author_id = $curauth->ID;
return zib_get_follow_user_list($author_id);
function zib_get_follow_user_list($user_id, $type = 'followed', $paged = 1)
if (!$user_id) {
$ice_perpage = 12;
$follow = (zib_get_user_meta($user_id, 'follow-user', true));
$followed = (zib_get_user_meta($user_id, 'followed-user', true));
$follow_count = zib_get_user_follow_count($user_id, 'follow');
$followed_count = zib_get_user_follow_count($user_id, 'followed');
if ('followed' == $type) {
$text = '粉丝';
$meta = $followed;
$count = $followed_count;
} else {
$text = '关注用户';
$meta = $follow;
$count = $follow_count;
$header = '';
$ajax_url = add_query_arg(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'type' => $type, 'action' => 'author_follow'), admin_url('admin-ajax.php'));
if (1 == $paged) {
$header_but = '<li><a rel="nofollow" ajax-replace="true" class="ajax-next ' . ('followed' == $type ? 'focus-color' : 'muted-color') . '" href="' . add_query_arg(array('type' => 'followed', 'paged' => false), $ajax_url) . '">粉丝 ' . $followed_count . '</a></li>';
$header_but .= '<li><a rel="nofollow" ajax-replace="true" class="ajax-next ' . ('followed' != $type ? 'focus-color' : 'muted-color') . '" href="' . add_query_arg(array('type' => 'follow', 'paged' => false), $ajax_url) . '">关注 ' . $follow_count . '</a></li>';
$header = '<ul class="ajax-item list-inline splitters relative mb10 mt10">' . $header_but . '</ul>';
$lists = '';
if ($meta && is_array($meta)) {
$users_args = array(
'include' => $meta,
'order' => 'ASC',
'orderby' => 'include',
'count_total' => false,
'number' => $ice_perpage,
'paged' => $paged,
'count_total' => true,
$query = new WP_User_Query($users_args);
if (!is_wp_error($query) && !empty($query->get_results())) {
$count = $query->total_users;
wp_cache_set($user_id, $count, 'user_' . $type . '_count');
foreach ($query->get_results() as $item) {
$lists .= zib_author_card($item->ID, 'ajax-item');
if (!$lists) {
$lists = zib_get_ajax_null('暂无' . $text, '40', 'null-love.svg');
$paginate = zib_get_ajax_next_paginate($count, $paged, $ice_perpage, $ajax_url);
return $header . $lists . $paginate;
function zib_main_author_tab_content_comment()
global $wp_query;
$curauth = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
if (empty($curauth->ID)) {
$author_id = $curauth->ID;
return zib_get_author_comment($author_id);
function zib_main_author_tab_content_post()
global $wp_query;
$curauth = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
if (empty($curauth->ID)) {
$type = 'post';
$author_id = $curauth->ID;
$current_id = get_current_user_id();
$page = zib_get_the_paged();
$post_args = array(
'no_margin' => true,
'no_author' => true,
$header = '';
$this_url = zib_get_current_url();
if (1 == $page || !_pz('paging_ajax_s', true)) {
$this_url = zib_url_del_paged($this_url);
$orderby = isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) ? $_REQUEST['orderby'] : '';
$status = isset($_REQUEST['post_status']) ? $_REQUEST['post_status'] : 'publish';
$status_html = '';
$status_class = '';
$status_array = array(
'publish' => '发布',
if (($current_id && $current_id == $author_id) || (is_super_admin())) {
$status_array['pending'] = '待审核';
$status_array['draft'] = '草稿';
// $status_array['trash'] = '回收站';
foreach ($status_array as $k => $v) {
$active_class = $k === $status ? ' c-theme badg mr6' : ' ajax-next but mr6';
$active_attr = $k === $status ? ' href="javascript:;"' : ' ajax-replace="true" href="' . esc_url(add_query_arg('post_status', $k, $this_url)) . '"';
$status_html .= '<a rel="nofollow"' . $active_attr . ' class="' . $status_class . $active_class . '">' . $v . '<count class="ml3 em09">' . zib_get_user_post_count($author_id, $k, $type) . '</count></a>';
$orderby_html = '';
if ($status_html || zib_get_user_post_count($author_id, 'publish')) {
$orderby_array = array(
'date' => '最新发布',
'modified' => '最近更新',
'views' => '最多查看',
'like' => '最多点赞',
'comment_count' => '最多回复',
'favorite_count' => '最多收藏',
'sales_volume' => '销售数量',
$orderby_class = 'ajax-next';
$orderby_dropdown_but = '';
foreach ($orderby_array as $k => $v) {
$active_class = $k == $orderby ? ' class="active"' : '';
$orderby_dropdown_but .= '<li' . $active_class . '><a rel="nofollow" ajax-replace="true" class="' . $orderby_class . '" href="' . add_query_arg(array('orderby' => $k), $this_url) . '">' . $v . '</a></li>';
$orderby_html = '<div class="dropdown flex0 pull-right">';
$orderby_html .= '<a href="javascript:;" class="but" data-toggle="dropdown">排序<i class="ml6 fa fa-caret-down opacity5" aria-hidden="true" style="margin-right:0;"></i></a>';
$orderby_html .= '<ul class="dropdown-menu">' . $orderby_dropdown_but . '</ul>';
$orderby_html .= '</div>';
$header = '<div class="ajax-item flex ac jsb mb10 px12-sm"><div class="scroll-x mini-scrollbar mr10">' . $status_html . '</div>' . $orderby_html . '</div>';
$posts_list = zib_posts_list($post_args, false, false);
$paging = zib_paging(false, false);
if ($paging) {
$posts_list .= $paging;
$posts_list .= '<div class="post_ajax_loader" style="display: none;">' . zib_get_author_tab_loader('post') . '</div>';
if (!$posts_list) {
$posts_list = zib_get_ajax_null('暂无文章');
//if ($page == 1) $header = '';
if (1 == $page && $current_id && $current_id == $author_id) {
$add = zib_get_write_posts_button('ml10 mr10 mt10 but hollow c-blue padding-lg', '发布文章');
$posts_list .= '<div class="text-center mb20">';
$posts_list .= $add;
$posts_list .= '</div>';
$html = $header;
$html .= $posts_list;
return $html;
* @description: 获取用户文章不同状态的数量
* @param int $user_id 用户ID
* @param int $poststatus 文章状态 :
* @return int 数量
function zib_get_user_post_count($user_id, $poststatus = 'publish', $post_type = 'post')
$cache_num = wp_cache_get($user_id . '_' . $poststatus, 'post_count_' . $post_type, true);
if (false !== $cache_num) {
return $cache_num;
global $wpdb;
$cuid = esc_sql($user_id);
$poststatus = esc_sql($poststatus);
$post_type = esc_sql($post_type);
if ('all' == $poststatus) {
$count = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(post_author) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_author=%d AND post_type=%s", $cuid, $post_type));
} else {
$count = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(post_author) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_author=%d AND post_type=%s AND post_status=%s", $cuid, $post_type, $poststatus));
wp_cache_set($user_id . '_' . $poststatus, $count, 'post_count_' . $post_type);
return (int) $count;
function zib_get_user_post_count_cache_delete($post_ID, $post)
$post_type = $post->post_type;
$user_id = $post->post_author;
foreach (['all', 'publish', 'pending', 'draft'] as $poststatus) {
wp_cache_delete($user_id . '_' . $poststatus, 'post_count_' . $post_type);
add_action('save_post', 'zib_get_user_post_count_cache_delete', 10, 2);
* @description: 获取用户关注和粉丝数量
* @param {*}
* @return {*}
function zib_get_user_follow_count($user_id, $type = 'followed')
$cache_num = wp_cache_get($user_id, 'user_' . $type . '_count', true);
if (false !== $cache_num) {
return $cache_num;
$count = 0;
$data = $type === 'follow' ? (zib_get_user_meta($user_id, 'follow-user', true)) : (zib_get_user_meta($user_id, 'followed-user', true));
if ($data && is_array($data)) {
$users_args = array(
'include' => $data,
'order' => 'DESC',
'count_total' => true,
'number' => 1,
$users_query = new WP_User_Query($users_args);
$count = $users_query->total_users;
wp_cache_set($user_id, $count, 'user_' . $type . '_count');
return (int) $count;
* @description: 获取作者、用户卡片列表
* @param {*}
* @return {*}
function zib_get_user_card_lists($users_args = array())
if (!$users_args) {
$users_args = array(
'include' => array(),
'exclude' => array('1'),
'order' => 'DESC',
'orderby' => 'user_registered',
'number' => 8,
$users = get_users($users_args);
$lists = '';
if ($users) {
foreach ($users as $user) {
$lists .= zib_author_card($user->ID);
return $lists;
* @description: 作者页面获取作者卡片
* @param {*} $user_id
* @param {*} $class
* @return {*}
function zib_author_card($user_id = '', $class = '', $blur_bg = false)
if (!$user_id) {
$user_data = get_userdata($user_id);
if (!$user_data) {
$avatar = zib_get_data_avatar($user_id);
$follow = zib_get_user_follow('focus-color px12 ml10 follow flex0', $user_id);
$desc = get_user_desc($user_id);
$avatar_box = zib_get_avatar_box($user_id);
$display_name_link = zib_get_user_name("id=$user_id");
$blur_bg = $blur_bg ? '<div class="abs-blur-bg blur">' . $avatar . '</div>' : '';
return '<div class="author-minicard radius8 relative-h ' . $class . '">
' . $blur_bg . '
<ul class="list-inline relative">
<li>' . $avatar_box . '
<dt class="flex ac">' . $display_name_link . $follow . '</dt>
<dd class="mt6 em09 muted-color text-ellipsis">' . $desc . '</dd>
function zib_get_author_header_dropup_btn()
global $wp_query;
$author = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
if (empty($author->ID)) {
$author_id = $author->ID;
$lists = '<li>' . zib_get_user_details_data_link($author_id, '', zib_get_svg('user', null, 'mr6') . '更多资料') . '</li>';
$lists .= '<li>' . zib_get_user_search_link($author_id, '', '', zib_get_svg('search', null, 'mr6') . '搜索内容') . '</li>';
if (get_current_user_id() === $author_id) {
$lists .= '<li>' . zib_get_user_cover_set_link('', '<i class="fa fa-camera mr6" aria-hidden="true"></i>修改封面') . '</li>';
$lists = apply_filters('author_header_drop_lists', $lists, $author_id);
if (!$lists) {
return '<span class="dropup pull-right"><a href="javascript:;" class="item mr3 toggle-radius" data-toggle="dropdown">' . zib_get_svg('menu_2') . '</a><ul class="dropdown-menu">' . $lists . '</ul></span>';
add_filter('author_header_more_btn', 'zib_get_author_header_dropup_btn', 11, 2);
function zib_get_user_card_box($args = array(), $echo = false)
$defaults = array(
'user_id' => 0,
'class' => '',
'show_posts' => true,
'show_checkin' => false,
'show_img_bg' => false,
'show_button' => true,
'button_1' => 'post',
'button_1_text' => '发布文章',
'button_1_class' => 'jb-pink',
'button_2' => 'home',
'button_2_text' => '用户中心',
'button_2_class' => 'jb-blue',
'show_payvip_button' => false,
'limit' => 6,
'orderby' => 'views',
'post_type' => 'post',
'post_style' => 'card',
$args = wp_parse_args((array) $args, $defaults);
if (!$args['user_id']) {
$user_id = $args['user_id'];
$cuid = get_current_user_id();
$avatar = zib_get_avatar_box($user_id, 'avatar-img avatar-lg');
$name = zib_get_user_name("id=$user_id&class=flex1 flex ac&follow=true");
$tag_metas = zib_get_user_badges($user_id);
$btns = '';
$post = '';
$checkin = '';
if (!$cuid || $cuid != $user_id) {
$args['show_button'] = false;
if ($args['show_posts'] && $args['limit'] > 0) {
$post = zib_get_user_card_post($args);
if ($args['show_checkin'] && get_current_user_id() == $user_id) {
$checkin = zib_get_user_checkin_btn('img-badge jb-yellow', '<i class="fa fa-calendar-check-o ml3 mr6"></i>签到', '<i class="ml3 mr6 fa fa-calendar-check-o"></i>已签到');
if ($args['show_button']) {
$btns .= zib_get_new_add_btns([$args['button_1']], 'but pw-1em mr6 ' . $args['button_1_class'], $args['button_1_text']);
if ('home' === $args['button_2']) {
$btns .= zib_get_user_home_link($user_id, 'but pw-1em ml6 ' . $args['button_2_class'], $args['button_2_text']);
} else {
$btns .= zib_get_user_center_link('but pw-1em ml6 ' . $args['button_2_class'], $args['button_2_text']);
$btns = '<div class="user-btns mt20">' . $btns . '</div>';
$cover = $args['show_img_bg'] ? '<div class="user-cover graphic" style="padding-bottom: 50%;">' . get_user_cover_img($user_id) . '</div>' : '';
$html = '<div class="user-card zib-widget ' . $args['class'] . '">' . $cover . '
<div class="card-content mt10 relative">
<div class="user-content">
' . $checkin . '
<div class="user-avatar">' . $avatar . '</div>
<div class="user-info mt20 mb10">
<div class="user-name flex jc">' . $name . '</div>
<div class="author-tag mt10 mini-scrollbar">' . $tag_metas . '</div>
<div class="user-desc mt10 muted-2-color em09">' . get_user_desc($user_id) . '</div>
' . $btns . '
' . $post . '
if (!$echo) {
return $html;
echo $html;
function zib_get_user_card_post($args = array())
$defaults = array(
'user_id' => 0,
'limit' => 6,
'orderby' => 'views',
'post_type' => 'post',
'post_style' => 'card',
$args = wp_parse_args((array) $args, $defaults);
if (!$args['user_id']) {
$query_args = array(
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_type' => $args['post_type'],
'author' => $args['user_id'],
'showposts' => $args['limit'],
'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1,
'no_found_rows' => true, //不查询分页需要的总数量
$the_ID = get_the_ID();
if ($the_ID) {
$query_args['post__not_in'] = [$the_ID];
$query_args = zib_query_orderby_filter($args['orderby'], $query_args);
$new_query = new WP_Query($query_args);
$lists = '';
while ($new_query->have_posts()) {
if ('card' === $args['post_style']) {
$time_ago = zib_get_time_ago(get_the_time('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$info = '<item>' . $time_ago . '</item><item class="pull-right">' . zib_get_svg('view') . ' ' . get_post_view_count($before = '', $after = '') . '</item>';
$img = zib_post_thumbnail('', 'fit-cover', true);
$img = $img ? $img : zib_get_spare_thumb();
$title = get_the_title() . get_the_subtitle(false);
$card = array(
'type' => 'style-3',
'class' => 'em09',
'img' => $img,
'alt' => $title,
'link' => array(
'url' => get_permalink(),
'target' => '',
'text1' => $title,
'text2' => zib_str_cut($title, 0, 32, '...'),
'text3' => $info,
'lazy' => true,
'height_scale' => 70,
$lists .= '<div class="swiper-slide mr10">' . zib_graphic_card($card, false) . '</div>';
} else {
$lists .= '<div class="item"><a class="icon-circle text-ellipsis" href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_the_title() . get_the_subtitle() . '</a></div>';
if ('card' === $args['post_style']) {
$html = '<div class="swiper-container more-posts swiper-scroll"><div class="swiper-wrapper">' . $lists . '</div><div class="swiper-button-prev"></div><div class="swiper-button-next"></div></div>';
} else {
$html = '<div class="more-posts-mini">' . $lists . '</div>';
return $html;
* @Author : Qinver
* @Url : zibll.com
* @Date : 2020-09-29 13:18:37
* @LastEditTime: 2024-07-15 11:07:45
* @Email : 770349780@qq.com
* @Project : Zibll子比主题
* @Description : 一款极其优雅的Wordpress主题
* @Read me : 感谢您使用子比主题,主题源码有详细的注释,支持二次开发。
* @Remind : 使用盗版主题会存在各种未知风险。支持正版,从我做起!
function zib_author_header()
global $wp_query;
$curauth = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
if (empty($curauth->ID)) {
$author_id = $curauth->ID;
$cover_btns = apply_filters('author_header_more_btn', '', $author_id);
$cover_btns = $cover_btns ? '<div class="abs-center right-bottom padding-6 cover-btns">' . $cover_btns . '</div>' : '';
$cover_html = '<div class="page-cover">' . get_user_cover_img($author_id) . '<div class="absolute linear-mask"></div>' . zib_get_author_header_metas($author_id) . $cover_btns . '</div>';
$avatar = zib_get_data_avatar($author_id);
$avatar = str_replace(' class="', ' class="alone-imgbox-img ', $avatar);
$name = '<div class="em12 name">' . zib_get_user_name("id=$author_id&vip=1&auth=0&medal=0") . '</div>';
$desc = '<div class="mt6 desc muted-2-color">' . get_user_desc($author_id) . '</div>';
$btns = '<div class="header-btns flex0 flex ac">' . zib_get_author_header_btns($author_id) . '</div>';
$identity = apply_filters('author_header_identity', '', $author_id);
$info_html = '<div class="flex header-info relative hh">';
$info_html .= '<div class="flex0 header-avatar"><span class="avatar-img">' . $avatar . '</span></div>';
$info_html .= '<div class="flex1">';
$info_html .= $name;
$info_html .= $identity ? '<div class="user-identity flex ac hh">' . $identity . '</div>' : '';
$info_html .= $desc;
$info_html .= '</div>';
$info_html .= $btns;
$info_html .= '</div>';
$html = '<div class="author-header mb20 radius8 main-shadow main-bg full-widget-sm">';
$html .= $cover_html;
$html .= '<div class="header-content">';
$html .= $info_html;
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '</div>';
echo $html;
function zib_filter_author_header_desc_super_admin($desc, $user_id)
$super_admin = is_super_admin($user_id) ? '<span class="badg c-red">管理员</span>' : '';
return $desc . $super_admin;
add_filter('author_header_identity', 'zib_filter_author_header_desc_super_admin', 10, 2);
function zib_get_author_header_btns($author_id)
if (!$author_id) {
$current_id = get_current_user_id();
$btns = '';
if ($current_id && $current_id == $author_id) {
$btns .= zib_get_user_center_link('but c-blue ml10 pw-1em radius', zib_get_svg('user') . '用户中心'); //用户中心
if (_pz('message_s')) {
$btns .= zibmsg_nav_radius_button($current_id, 'ml10');
} else {
$btns .= zib_get_user_follow('but jb-pink ml10 pw-1em', $author_id); //关注
if (_pz('private_s', true) && _pz('message_s', true)) {
$btns .= Zib_Private::get_but($author_id, zib_get_svg('private') . '私信', 'but jb-blue ml10 pw-1em'); //私信
} else {
$btns .= zib_get_rewards_button($author_id, 'rewards but jb-blue ml10 pw-1em'); //打赏
return $btns;
function zib_get_author_header_metas($author_id)
if (!$author_id) {
$like_n = get_user_posts_meta_count($author_id, 'like');
$view_n = get_user_posts_meta_count($author_id, 'views');
$followed_n = _cut_count(get_user_followed_count($author_id));
$items = $view_n ? '<item><a data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="人气值 ' . $view_n . '">' . zib_get_svg('hot') . $view_n . '</a></item>' : '';
$items .= $like_n ? '<item><a data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="获得' . $like_n . '个点赞">' . zib_get_svg('like') . $like_n . '</a></item>' : '';
$items .= $followed_n ? '<item><a data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="共' . $followed_n . '个粉丝"><i class="fa fa-heart em09"></i>' . $followed_n . '</a></item>' : '';
$metas = $items ? '<div class="flex ac single-metabox cover-meta abs-right"><div class="post-metas">' . $items . '</div></div>' : '';
return $metas;
* @description: 作者页主内容外框架
* @param {*}
* @return {*}
function zib_author_content()
global $wp_query;
$curauth = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
$author_id = $curauth->ID;
$is_mobile = wp_is_mobile();
$tabs_args = array();
$tabs_opt = _pz('author_main_tab_opt',
'post' => array(
'pc_s' => true,
'm_s' => true,
'favorite' => array(
'pc_s' => true,
'm_s' => true,
'comment' => array(
'pc_s' => true,
'm_s' => true,
'plate' => array(
'pc_s' => true,
'm_s' => true,
'forum' => array(
'pc_s' => true,
'm_s' => true,
'follow' => array(
'pc_s' => true,
'm_s' => true,
if ($tabs_opt && is_array($tabs_opt)) {
foreach ($tabs_opt as $opt_k => $opt_v) {
if (((empty($opt_v['pc_s']) && !$is_mobile) || (empty($opt_v['m_s']) && $is_mobile))) {
$new_tab = array();
switch ($opt_k) {
case 'post':
$post_count = zib_get_user_post_count($author_id, 'publish');
$new_tab = array(
'title' => '文章<count class="opacity8 ml3">' . $post_count . '</count>',
'content_class' => '',
'route' => true,
'loader' => zib_get_author_tab_loader('post'),
case 'favorite':
$new_tab = array(
'title' => '收藏<count class="opacity8 ml3">' . apply_filters('author_tab_favorite_count', get_user_favorite_post_count($author_id), $author_id) . '</count>',
'content_class' => '',
'route' => true,
'loader' => zib_get_author_tab_loader('post'),
case 'comment':
if (!_pz('close_comments')) {
$comment_count = get_user_comment_count($author_id);
$new_tab = array(
'title' => '评论<count class="opacity8 ml3">' . $comment_count . '</count>',
'content_class' => '',
'route' => true,
'loader' => zib_get_author_tab_loader('comment'),
case 'follow':
$new_tab = array(
'title' => '粉丝<count class="opacity8 ml3">' . _cut_count(zib_get_user_follow_count($author_id, 'followed')) . '</count>',
'content_class' => 'text-center',
'route' => true,
'loader' => zib_get_author_tab_loader('follow'),
$new_tab = apply_filters('author_main_tab_' . $opt_k, array(), $author_id);
if ($new_tab) {
$tabs_args[$opt_k] = $new_tab;
$tab_swiper = _pz('author_main_tab_swiper', false);
$tabs_args = apply_filters('author_main_tabs_array', $tabs_args, $author_id);
$tab_nav = zib_get_main_tab_nav('nav', $tabs_args, 'author', $tab_swiper);
$tab_content = zib_get_main_tab_nav('content', $tabs_args, 'author', $tab_swiper);
if ($tab_nav && $tab_content) {
$html = '<div class="author-tab zib-widget">';
$html .= '<div class="affix-header-sm" offset-top="6">';
$html .= $tab_nav;
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= $tab_content;
$html .= '</div>';
$uid = $author_id;
$xz = mx_query_xz($uid);
if ($xz != 'null'){
$xzhtml = mx_xz_html($uid);
echo $xzhtml . $html;
}else {
echo $html;
function zib_get_author_tab_loader($key)
$args = array(
'post' => str_repeat('<div class="posts-item flex"><div class="post-graphic"><div class="radius8 item-thumbnail placeholder"></div> </div><div class="item-body flex xx flex1 jsb"> <p class="placeholder t1"></p> <h4 class="item-excerpt placeholder k1"></h4><p class="placeholder k2"></p><i><i class="placeholder s1"></i><i class="placeholder s1 ml10"></i></i></div></div>', 4),
'comment' => str_repeat('<div class="posts-item no_margin"><div class="author-set-left"><div class="placeholder k2"></div></div><div class="author-set-right"><div class="placeholder t1 mb10"></div><i><i class="placeholder s1"></i><i class="placeholder s1 ml10"></i></i></div></div>', 6),
'follow' => str_repeat('<div class="author-minicard radius8 flex ac" style="display: inline-flex;margin:5px 8px;"><div class="avatar-img mr10"><div class="avatar placeholder"></div></div><div class="flex1"><div class="placeholder k1 mb6"></div><i><i class="placeholder s1"></i><i class="placeholder s1 ml10"></i></i></div></div>', 6),
return isset($args[$key]) ? $args[$key] : $args['post'];
function zib_main_author_tab_content_favorite()
global $wp_query;
$curauth = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
if (empty($curauth->ID)) {
$author_id = $curauth->ID;
$paged = isset($_GET['favorite_paged']) ? $_GET['favorite_paged'] : 1;
$orderby = !empty($_REQUEST['orderby']) ? $_REQUEST['orderby'] : 'post__in';
return zib_get_favorite_posts_lists($author_id, $paged, $orderby);
function zib_get_favorite_posts_lists($user_id, $paged = 1, $orderby = 'post__in')
if (!$user_id) {
$ice_perpage = get_option('posts_per_page');
$args = array(
'no_margin' => true,
'is_author' => true,
$post_args = array(
'ignore_sticky_posts' => true,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'order' => 'DESC',
'paged' => $paged,
'posts_per_page' => $ice_perpage,
'orderby' => $orderby,
$post_args = zib_query_orderby_filter($orderby, $post_args);
$ajax_url = false;
$lists = '';
$count_all = 0;
$favorite_ids = (zib_get_user_meta($user_id, 'favorite-posts', true));
if ($favorite_ids) {
$post_args['post__in'] = array_reverse((array) $favorite_ids);
$the_query = new WP_Query($post_args);
$count_all = $the_query->found_posts;
wp_cache_set($user_id, $count_all, 'user_favorite_post_count');
$lists .= zib_posts_list($args, $the_query, false);
if (!$lists) {
$lists = zib_get_ajax_null('暂无收藏内容', 60, 'null-2.svg');
if (_pz('paging_ajax_s', true)) {
$paginate = zib_get_ajax_next_paginate($count_all, $paged, $ice_perpage, $ajax_url, 'text-center theme-pagination ajax-pag', 'next-page ajax-next', '', 'favorite_paged');
} else {
$paginate = zib_get_ajax_number_paginate($count_all, $paged, $ice_perpage, $ajax_url, 'ajax-pag', 'next-page ajax-next', 'favorite_paged');
return $lists . $paginate;
function zib_main_author_tab_content_follow()
global $wp_query;
$curauth = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
if (empty($curauth->ID)) {
$author_id = $curauth->ID;
return zib_get_follow_user_list($author_id);
function zib_get_follow_user_list($user_id, $type = 'followed', $paged = 1)
if (!$user_id) {
$ice_perpage = 12;
$follow = (zib_get_user_meta($user_id, 'follow-user', true));
$followed = (zib_get_user_meta($user_id, 'followed-user', true));
$follow_count = zib_get_user_follow_count($user_id, 'follow');
$followed_count = zib_get_user_follow_count($user_id, 'followed');
if ('followed' == $type) {
$text = '粉丝';
$meta = $followed;
$count = $followed_count;
} else {
$text = '关注用户';
$meta = $follow;
$count = $follow_count;
$header = '';
$ajax_url = add_query_arg(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'type' => $type, 'action' => 'author_follow'), admin_url('admin-ajax.php'));
if (1 == $paged) {
$header_but = '<li><a rel="nofollow" ajax-replace="true" class="ajax-next ' . ('followed' == $type ? 'focus-color' : 'muted-color') . '" href="' . add_query_arg(array('type' => 'followed', 'paged' => false), $ajax_url) . '">粉丝 ' . $followed_count . '</a></li>';
$header_but .= '<li><a rel="nofollow" ajax-replace="true" class="ajax-next ' . ('followed' != $type ? 'focus-color' : 'muted-color') . '" href="' . add_query_arg(array('type' => 'follow', 'paged' => false), $ajax_url) . '">关注 ' . $follow_count . '</a></li>';
$header = '<ul class="ajax-item list-inline splitters relative mb10 mt10">' . $header_but . '</ul>';
$lists = '';
if ($meta && is_array($meta)) {
$users_args = array(
'include' => $meta,
'order' => 'ASC',
'orderby' => 'include',
'count_total' => false,
'number' => $ice_perpage,
'paged' => $paged,
'count_total' => true,
$query = new WP_User_Query($users_args);
if (!is_wp_error($query) && !empty($query->get_results())) {
$count = $query->total_users;
wp_cache_set($user_id, $count, 'user_' . $type . '_count');
foreach ($query->get_results() as $item) {
$lists .= zib_author_card($item->ID, 'ajax-item');
if (!$lists) {
$lists = zib_get_ajax_null('暂无' . $text, '40', 'null-love.svg');
$paginate = zib_get_ajax_next_paginate($count, $paged, $ice_perpage, $ajax_url);
return $header . $lists . $paginate;
function zib_main_author_tab_content_comment()
global $wp_query;
$curauth = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
if (empty($curauth->ID)) {
$author_id = $curauth->ID;
return zib_get_author_comment($author_id);
function zib_main_author_tab_content_post()
global $wp_query;
$curauth = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
if (empty($curauth->ID)) {
$type = 'post';
$author_id = $curauth->ID;
$current_id = get_current_user_id();
$page = zib_get_the_paged();
$post_args = array(
'no_margin' => true,
'no_author' => true,
$header = '';
$this_url = zib_get_current_url();
if (1 == $page || !_pz('paging_ajax_s', true)) {
$this_url = zib_url_del_paged($this_url);
$orderby = isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) ? $_REQUEST['orderby'] : '';
$status = isset($_REQUEST['post_status']) ? $_REQUEST['post_status'] : 'publish';
$status_html = '';
$status_class = '';
$status_array = array(
'publish' => '发布',
if (($current_id && $current_id == $author_id) || (is_super_admin())) {
$status_array['pending'] = '待审核';
$status_array['draft'] = '草稿';
// $status_array['trash'] = '回收站';
foreach ($status_array as $k => $v) {
$active_class = $k === $status ? ' c-theme badg mr6' : ' ajax-next but mr6';
$active_attr = $k === $status ? ' href="javascript:;"' : ' ajax-replace="true" href="' . esc_url(add_query_arg('post_status', $k, $this_url)) . '"';
$status_html .= '<a rel="nofollow"' . $active_attr . ' class="' . $status_class . $active_class . '">' . $v . '<count class="ml3 em09">' . zib_get_user_post_count($author_id, $k, $type) . '</count></a>';
$orderby_html = '';
if ($status_html || zib_get_user_post_count($author_id, 'publish')) {
$orderby_array = array(
'date' => '最新发布',
'modified' => '最近更新',
'views' => '最多查看',
'like' => '最多点赞',
'comment_count' => '最多回复',
'favorite_count' => '最多收藏',
'sales_volume' => '销售数量',
$orderby_class = 'ajax-next';
$orderby_dropdown_but = '';
foreach ($orderby_array as $k => $v) {
$active_class = $k == $orderby ? ' class="active"' : '';
$orderby_dropdown_but .= '<li' . $active_class . '><a rel="nofollow" ajax-replace="true" class="' . $orderby_class . '" href="' . add_query_arg(array('orderby' => $k), $this_url) . '">' . $v . '</a></li>';
$orderby_html = '<div class="dropdown flex0 pull-right">';
$orderby_html .= '<a href="javascript:;" class="but" data-toggle="dropdown">排序<i class="ml6 fa fa-caret-down opacity5" aria-hidden="true" style="margin-right:0;"></i></a>';
$orderby_html .= '<ul class="dropdown-menu">' . $orderby_dropdown_but . '</ul>';
$orderby_html .= '</div>';
$header = '<div class="ajax-item flex ac jsb mb10 px12-sm"><div class="scroll-x mini-scrollbar mr10">' . $status_html . '</div>' . $orderby_html . '</div>';
$posts_list = zib_posts_list($post_args, false, false);
$paging = zib_paging(false, false);
if ($paging) {
$posts_list .= $paging;
$posts_list .= '<div class="post_ajax_loader" style="display: none;">' . zib_get_author_tab_loader('post') . '</div>';
if (!$posts_list) {
$posts_list = zib_get_ajax_null('暂无文章');
//if ($page == 1) $header = '';
if (1 == $page && $current_id && $current_id == $author_id) {
$add = zib_get_write_posts_button('ml10 mr10 mt10 but hollow c-blue padding-lg', '发布文章');
$posts_list .= '<div class="text-center mb20">';
$posts_list .= $add;
$posts_list .= '</div>';
$html = $header;
$html .= $posts_list;
return $html;
* @description: 获取用户文章不同状态的数量
* @param int $user_id 用户ID
* @param int $poststatus 文章状态 :
* @return int 数量
function zib_get_user_post_count($user_id, $poststatus = 'publish', $post_type = 'post')
$cache_num = wp_cache_get($user_id . '_' . $poststatus, 'post_count_' . $post_type, true);
if (false !== $cache_num) {
return $cache_num;
global $wpdb;
$cuid = esc_sql($user_id);
$poststatus = esc_sql($poststatus);
$post_type = esc_sql($post_type);
if ('all' == $poststatus) {
$count = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(post_author) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_author=%d AND post_type=%s", $cuid, $post_type));
} else {
$count = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(post_author) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_author=%d AND post_type=%s AND post_status=%s", $cuid, $post_type, $poststatus));
wp_cache_set($user_id . '_' . $poststatus, $count, 'post_count_' . $post_type);
return (int) $count;
function zib_get_user_post_count_cache_delete($post_ID, $post)
$post_type = $post->post_type;
$user_id = $post->post_author;
foreach (['all', 'publish', 'pending', 'draft'] as $poststatus) {
wp_cache_delete($user_id . '_' . $poststatus, 'post_count_' . $post_type);
add_action('save_post', 'zib_get_user_post_count_cache_delete', 10, 2);
* @description: 获取用户关注和粉丝数量
* @param {*}
* @return {*}
function zib_get_user_follow_count($user_id, $type = 'followed')
$cache_num = wp_cache_get($user_id, 'user_' . $type . '_count', true);
if (false !== $cache_num) {
return $cache_num;
$count = 0;
$data = $type === 'follow' ? (zib_get_user_meta($user_id, 'follow-user', true)) : (zib_get_user_meta($user_id, 'followed-user', true));
if ($data && is_array($data)) {
$users_args = array(
'include' => $data,
'order' => 'DESC',
'count_total' => true,
'number' => 1,
$users_query = new WP_User_Query($users_args);
$count = $users_query->total_users;
wp_cache_set($user_id, $count, 'user_' . $type . '_count');
return (int) $count;
* @description: 获取作者、用户卡片列表
* @param {*}
* @return {*}
function zib_get_user_card_lists($users_args = array())
if (!$users_args) {
$users_args = array(
'include' => array(),
'exclude' => array('1'),
'order' => 'DESC',
'orderby' => 'user_registered',
'number' => 8,
$users = get_users($users_args);
$lists = '';
if ($users) {
foreach ($users as $user) {
$lists .= zib_author_card($user->ID);
return $lists;
* @description: 作者页面获取作者卡片
* @param {*} $user_id
* @param {*} $class
* @return {*}
function zib_author_card($user_id = '', $class = '', $blur_bg = false)
if (!$user_id) {
$user_data = get_userdata($user_id);
if (!$user_data) {
$avatar = zib_get_data_avatar($user_id);
$follow = zib_get_user_follow('focus-color px12 ml10 follow flex0', $user_id);
$desc = get_user_desc($user_id);
$avatar_box = zib_get_avatar_box($user_id);
$display_name_link = zib_get_user_name("id=$user_id");
$blur_bg = $blur_bg ? '<div class="abs-blur-bg blur">' . $avatar . '</div>' : '';
return '<div class="author-minicard radius8 relative-h ' . $class . '">
' . $blur_bg . '
<ul class="list-inline relative">
<li>' . $avatar_box . '
<dt class="flex ac">' . $display_name_link . $follow . '</dt>
<dd class="mt6 em09 muted-color text-ellipsis">' . $desc . '</dd>
function zib_get_author_header_dropup_btn()
global $wp_query;
$author = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
if (empty($author->ID)) {
$author_id = $author->ID;
$lists = '<li>' . zib_get_user_details_data_link($author_id, '', zib_get_svg('user', null, 'mr6') . '更多资料') . '</li>';
$lists .= '<li>' . zib_get_user_search_link($author_id, '', '', zib_get_svg('search', null, 'mr6') . '搜索内容') . '</li>';
if (get_current_user_id() === $author_id) {
$lists .= '<li>' . zib_get_user_cover_set_link('', '<i class="fa fa-camera mr6" aria-hidden="true"></i>修改封面') . '</li>';
$lists = apply_filters('author_header_drop_lists', $lists, $author_id);
if (!$lists) {
return '<span class="dropup pull-right"><a href="javascript:;" class="item mr3 toggle-radius" data-toggle="dropdown">' . zib_get_svg('menu_2') . '</a><ul class="dropdown-menu">' . $lists . '</ul></span>';
add_filter('author_header_more_btn', 'zib_get_author_header_dropup_btn', 11, 2);
function zib_get_user_card_box($args = array(), $echo = false)
$defaults = array(
'user_id' => 0,
'class' => '',
'show_posts' => true,
'show_checkin' => false,
'show_img_bg' => false,
'show_button' => true,
'button_1' => 'post',
'button_1_text' => '发布文章',
'button_1_class' => 'jb-pink',
'button_2' => 'home',
'button_2_text' => '用户中心',
'button_2_class' => 'jb-blue',
'show_payvip_button' => false,
'limit' => 6,
'orderby' => 'views',
'post_type' => 'post',
'post_style' => 'card',
$args = wp_parse_args((array) $args, $defaults);
if (!$args['user_id']) {
$user_id = $args['user_id'];
$cuid = get_current_user_id();
$avatar = zib_get_avatar_box($user_id, 'avatar-img avatar-lg');
$name = zib_get_user_name("id=$user_id&class=flex1 flex ac&follow=true");
$tag_metas = zib_get_user_badges($user_id);
$btns = '';
$post = '';
$checkin = '';
if (!$cuid || $cuid != $user_id) {
$args['show_button'] = false;
if ($args['show_posts'] && $args['limit'] > 0) {
$post = zib_get_user_card_post($args);
if ($args['show_checkin'] && get_current_user_id() == $user_id) {
$checkin = zib_get_user_checkin_btn('img-badge jb-yellow', '<i class="fa fa-calendar-check-o ml3 mr6"></i>签到', '<i class="ml3 mr6 fa fa-calendar-check-o"></i>已签到');
if ($args['show_button']) {
$btns .= zib_get_new_add_btns([$args['button_1']], 'but pw-1em mr6 ' . $args['button_1_class'], $args['button_1_text']);
if ('home' === $args['button_2']) {
$btns .= zib_get_user_home_link($user_id, 'but pw-1em ml6 ' . $args['button_2_class'], $args['button_2_text']);
} else {
$btns .= zib_get_user_center_link('but pw-1em ml6 ' . $args['button_2_class'], $args['button_2_text']);
$btns = '<div class="user-btns mt20">' . $btns . '</div>';
$cover = $args['show_img_bg'] ? '<div class="user-cover graphic" style="padding-bottom: 50%;">' . get_user_cover_img($user_id) . '</div>' : '';
$html = '<div class="user-card zib-widget ' . $args['class'] . '">' . $cover . '
<div class="card-content mt10 relative">
<div class="user-content">
' . $checkin . '
<div class="user-avatar">' . $avatar . '</div>
<div class="user-info mt20 mb10">
<div class="user-name flex jc">' . $name . '</div>
<div class="author-tag mt10 mini-scrollbar">' . $tag_metas . '</div>
<div class="user-desc mt10 muted-2-color em09">' . get_user_desc($user_id) . '</div>
' . $btns . '
' . $post . '
if (!$echo) {
return $html;
$uid = get_post_field ('post_author', get_the_ID());
$xz = mx_query_xz($uid);
if ($xz != 'null'){
$xzhtml = mx_xz_html($uid);
echo $html . $xzhtml;
echo $html;
function zib_get_user_card_post($args = array())
$defaults = array(
'user_id' => 0,
'limit' => 6,
'orderby' => 'views',
'post_type' => 'post',
'post_style' => 'card',
$args = wp_parse_args((array) $args, $defaults);
if (!$args['user_id']) {
$query_args = array(
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_type' => $args['post_type'],
'author' => $args['user_id'],
'showposts' => $args['limit'],
'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1,
'no_found_rows' => true, //不查询分页需要的总数量
$the_ID = get_the_ID();
if ($the_ID) {
$query_args['post__not_in'] = [$the_ID];
$query_args = zib_query_orderby_filter($args['orderby'], $query_args);
$new_query = new WP_Query($query_args);
$lists = '';
while ($new_query->have_posts()) {
if ('card' === $args['post_style']) {
$time_ago = zib_get_time_ago(get_the_time('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$info = '<item>' . $time_ago . '</item><item class="pull-right">' . zib_get_svg('view') . ' ' . get_post_view_count($before = '', $after = '') . '</item>';
$img = zib_post_thumbnail('', 'fit-cover', true);
$img = $img ? $img : zib_get_spare_thumb();
$title = get_the_title() . get_the_subtitle(false);
$card = array(
'type' => 'style-3',
'class' => 'em09',
'img' => $img,
'alt' => $title,
'link' => array(
'url' => get_permalink(),
'target' => '',
'text1' => $title,
'text2' => zib_str_cut($title, 0, 32, '...'),
'text3' => $info,
'lazy' => true,
'height_scale' => 70,
$lists .= '<div class="swiper-slide mr10">' . zib_graphic_card($card, false) . '</div>';
} else {
$lists .= '<div class="item"><a class="icon-circle text-ellipsis" href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_the_title() . get_the_subtitle() . '</a></div>';
if ('card' === $args['post_style']) {
$html = '<div class="swiper-container more-posts swiper-scroll"><div class="swiper-wrapper">' . $lists . '</div><div class="swiper-button-prev"></div><div class="swiper-button-next"></div></div>';
} else {
$html = '<div class="more-posts-mini">' . $lists . '</div>';
return $html;
如果你的版本不同可以用下面的操作 或者对照上面的代码注释进行改动
搜索 $tab_nav && $tab_content
$uid = $author_id;
$xz = mx_query_xz($uid);
if ($xz != 'null'){
$xzhtml = mx_xz_html($uid);
echo $xzhtml . $html;
}else {
echo $html;
搜索 if (!$echo) {
$uid = get_post_field ('post_author', get_the_ID());
$xz = mx_query_xz($uid);
if ($xz != 'null'){
$xzhtml = mx_xz_html($uid);
echo $html . $xzhtml;
echo $html;
在子比主题的根目录 加一个func.php
如果有就不需要添加了 直接打开文件 把一下代码找个地方添加进去就可以了
注意:代码修改加进文件里面去 不是文件直接拖进去替换
/* 勋章功能部分*/
function mx_query_xz($USER_ID){
global $wpdb;
$xzsql = "SELECT * FROM `wp_mx_usermeta` WHERE `uid` = " . $USER_ID . " AND `meta_key` LIKE 'xz'";
$xz_data = $wpdb->get_row($xzsql,ARRAY_A);
//var_dump ($xz_data);
return $xz_data['meta_value'];
return 'null';
function mx_xz_html($user_ID){
$xhtml = '';
$xz = mx_query_xz($user_ID);
if ($xz){
$a = '';
$xzhtml = '';
$xzhtml .= '<div class="user-card zib-widget xz" align="center">
foreach (explode('|',$xz) as $val){
foreach (explode('-',$val) as $v){
$a = '1';
$a = '';
if ($a == ''){
$xz_info = get_xz_info($val);
if ($val){
$xhtml .= '<a title="' . $xz_info['name'] . '"><img src="' . $xz_info['img'] . '" style="margin-right:5px;" width="100" height="50"></a>';
if($xhtml != ''){
$xzhtml .= $xhtml . '</div></div>';
return $xzhtml;
$xhtml = 'TA隐藏了所有勋章哦QAQ!';
$xzhtml .= $xhtml . '</div></div>';
return $xzhtml;
return 'null';
function get_xz_info($xz_id){
global $wpdb;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `wp_mx_xz` WHERE `ID` = " . $xz_id;
$info = $wpdb->get_row($sql,ARRAY_A);
$xz_id = $info['ID'];
$xz_name = $info['name'];
$xz_img = $info['img'];
$xz_type = $info['type'];
$xz_type_key = $info['type_key'];
$xz_info = $info['info'];
$xz_buy = $info['buy'];
return (array("id"=>$xz_id,"name"=>$xz_name,"img"=>$xz_img,"type"=>$xz_type,"type_key"=>$xz_type_key,"info"=>$xz_info,"buy"=>$xz_buy));
return 'null';
function buy_xz($user_id,$xz_id){
if(mx_query_xz($user_id) == 'null'){
$xz_info = get_xz_info($xz_id);
$user_points = zibpay_get_user_points($user_id);
$xz_buy = $xz_info['buy'];
if ($xz_info['type'] == 'buy'){
if ($xz_buy > $user_points){
return '抱歉,您的积分不足,无法兑换!';
$xz_data = mx_query_xz($user_id);
//按照指定字符分割文本为数组 判断用户勋章是否重复
foreach (explode('|',$xz_data) as $val){
if ($val == $xz_id){
return '抱歉,您已经兑换过这个勋章了!';
global $wpdb;
if ($xz_data){
$meta_value = $xz_data . $xz_id . '|';
$sql = "UPDATE `wp_mx_usermeta` SET `meta_value` = '" . $meta_value . "' WHERE `uid` = " . $user_id . " AND `meta_key` LIKE 'xz'";
$order_num = current_time('ymdHis') . mt_rand(10, 99) . mt_rand(10, 99) . mt_rand(100, 999); // 订单号
$update_points_data = array(
'order_num' => $order_num, //订单号
'value' => -$xz_buy, //值 整数为加,负数为减去
'type' => '兑换勋章', //类型说明
'desc' => '兑换了 ' . $xz_info['name'] . ' 消耗了 ' . $xz_buy . ' 积分', //说明
'time' => current_time('Y-m-d H:i'),
return '兑换成功!';
$meta_value = $xz_id . '|';
$sql = "UPDATE `wp_mx_usermeta` SET `meta_value` = '" . $meta_value . "' WHERE `uid` = " . $user_id . " AND `meta_key` LIKE 'xz'";
$order_num = current_time('ymdHis') . mt_rand(10, 99) . mt_rand(10, 99) . mt_rand(100, 999); // 订单号
$update_points_data = array(
'order_num' => $order_num, //订单号
'value' => -$xz_buy, //值 整数为加,负数为减去
'type' => '兑换勋章', //类型说明
'desc' => '兑换了 ' . $xz_info['name'] . ' 消耗了 ' . $xz_buy . ' 积分', //说明
'time' => current_time('Y-m-d H:i'),
return '兑换成功!';
}elseif ($xz_info['type'] == 'free'){
$xz_data = mx_query_xz($user_id);
//按照指定字符分割文本为数组 判断用户勋章是否重复
foreach (explode('|',$xz_data) as $val) {
if ($val == $xz_id) {
return '抱歉,您已经领取过这个勋章了!';
global $wpdb;
if ($xz_data) {
$meta_value = $xz_data . $xz_id . '|';
$sql = "UPDATE `wp_mx_usermeta` SET `meta_value` = '" . $meta_value . "' WHERE `uid` = " . $user_id . " AND `meta_key` LIKE 'xz'";
return '领取成功!';
} else {
$meta_value = $xz_id . '|';
$sql = "UPDATE `wp_mx_usermeta` SET `meta_value` = '" . $meta_value . "' WHERE `uid` = " . $user_id . " AND `meta_key` LIKE 'xz'";
return '领取成功!';
}elseif ($xz_info['type'] == 'false'){
return '该勋章已关闭兑换!';
}elseif ($xz_info['type'] == 'post'){
$xz_post = count_user_posts($user_id,'post',true);
$xz_data = mx_query_xz($user_id);
//按照指定字符分割文本为数组 判断用户勋章是否重复
foreach (explode('|',$xz_data) as $val){
if ($val == $xz_id){
return '抱歉,您已经兑换过这个勋章了!';
if($xz_post >= $xz_buy){
global $wpdb;
if ($xz_data) {
$meta_value = $xz_data . $xz_id . '|';
$sql = "UPDATE `wp_mx_usermeta` SET `meta_value` = '" . $meta_value . "' WHERE `uid` = " . $user_id . " AND `meta_key` LIKE 'xz'";
return '感谢您,领取成功!';
} else {
$meta_value = $xz_id . '|';
$sql = "UPDATE `wp_mx_usermeta` SET `meta_value` = '" . $meta_value . "' WHERE `uid` = " . $user_id . " AND `meta_key` LIKE 'xz'";
return '感谢您,领取成功!';
return '抱歉,您不满足此勋章兑换条件!';
}elseif ($xz_info['type'] == 'comm'){
$xz_comm = get_comments('count=true&user_id='.$user_id);
$xz_data = mx_query_xz($user_id);
//按照指定字符分割文本为数组 判断用户勋章是否重复
foreach (explode('|',$xz_data) as $val){
if ($val == $xz_id){
return '抱歉,您已经兑换过这个勋章了!';
if($xz_comm >= $xz_buy){
global $wpdb;
if ($xz_data) {
$meta_value = $xz_data . $xz_id . '|';
$sql = "UPDATE `wp_mx_usermeta` SET `meta_value` = '" . $meta_value . "' WHERE `uid` = " . $user_id . " AND `meta_key` LIKE 'xz'";
return '感谢您,领取成功!!';
} else {
$meta_value = $xz_id . '|';
$sql = "UPDATE `wp_mx_usermeta` SET `meta_value` = '" . $meta_value . "' WHERE `uid` = " . $user_id . " AND `meta_key` LIKE 'xz'";
return '感谢您,领取成功!!';
return '抱歉,您不满足此勋章兑换条件!';
}elseif ($xz_info['type'] == 'jf'){
$xz_jf = zibpay_get_user_points($user_id);
$xz_data = mx_query_xz($user_id);
//按照指定字符分割文本为数组 判断用户勋章是否重复
foreach (explode('|',$xz_data) as $val){
if ($val == $xz_id){
return '抱歉,您已经兑换过这个勋章了!';
if($xz_jf >= $xz_buy){
global $wpdb;
if ($xz_data) {
$meta_value = $xz_data . $xz_id . '|';
$sql = "UPDATE `wp_mx_usermeta` SET `meta_value` = '" . $meta_value . "' WHERE `uid` = " . $user_id . " AND `meta_key` LIKE 'xz'";
return '感谢您,领取成功!!!';
} else {
$meta_value = $xz_id . '|';
$sql = "UPDATE `wp_mx_usermeta` SET `meta_value` = '" . $meta_value . "' WHERE `uid` = " . $user_id . " AND `meta_key` LIKE 'xz'";
return '感谢您,领取成功!!!';
return '抱歉,您不满足此勋章兑换条件!';
}elseif ($xz_info['type'] == 'like'){
$xz_like = get_user_posts_meta_count($user_id, 'like');
$xz_data = mx_query_xz($user_id);
//按照指定字符分割文本为数组 判断用户勋章是否重复
foreach (explode('|',$xz_data) as $val){
if ($val == $xz_id){
return '抱歉,您已经兑换过这个勋章了!';
if($xz_like >= $xz_buy){
global $wpdb;
if ($xz_data) {
$meta_value = $xz_data . $xz_id . '|';
$sql = "UPDATE `wp_mx_usermeta` SET `meta_value` = '" . $meta_value . "' WHERE `uid` = " . $user_id . " AND `meta_key` LIKE 'xz'";
return '感谢您,领取成功!!!!';
} else {
$meta_value = $xz_id . '|';
$sql = "UPDATE `wp_mx_usermeta` SET `meta_value` = '" . $meta_value . "' WHERE `uid` = " . $user_id . " AND `meta_key` LIKE 'xz'";
return '感谢您,领取成功!!!!';
return '抱歉,您不满足此勋章兑换条件!';
}elseif ($xz_info['type'] == 'foll'){
$xz_foll = get_user_meta($user_id, 'followed-user-count', true);
$xz_data = mx_query_xz($user_id);
//按照指定字符分割文本为数组 判断用户勋章是否重复
foreach (explode('|',$xz_data) as $val){
if ($val == $xz_id){
return '抱歉,您已经兑换过这个勋章了!';
if($xz_foll >= $xz_buy){
global $wpdb;
if ($xz_data) {
$meta_value = $xz_data . $xz_id . '|';
$sql = "UPDATE `wp_mx_usermeta` SET `meta_value` = '" . $meta_value . "' WHERE `uid` = " . $user_id . " AND `meta_key` LIKE 'xz'";
return '感谢您,领取成功!!!!!';
} else {
$meta_value = $xz_id . '|';
$sql = "UPDATE `wp_mx_usermeta` SET `meta_value` = '" . $meta_value . "' WHERE `uid` = " . $user_id . " AND `meta_key` LIKE 'xz'";
return '感谢您,领取成功!!!!!';
return '抱歉,您不满足此勋章兑换条件!';
function get_all_xz(){
global $wpdb;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `wp_mx_xz`";
$info = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
if($info) {
return $info;
return '数据库中没有勋章!';
function add_xz_db($user_id){
global $wpdb;
$sql = "INSERT INTO `wp_mx_usermeta` (`id`, `uid`, `meta_key`, `meta_value`) VALUES (NULL, '". $user_id ."', 'xz', NULL)";
function set_user_xz_zt($user_id,$xz_id,$xz_zt){
if($xz_id != '') {
if ($xz_zt != ''){
global $wpdb;
$user_xz = '';
$xzsql = "SELECT * FROM `wp_mx_usermeta` WHERE `uid` = " . $user_id . " AND `meta_key` LIKE 'xz'";
$xz_data = $wpdb->get_row($xzsql,ARRAY_A);
//var_dump ($xz_data);
foreach (explode('|',$xz_data['meta_value']) as $val){
if($val != ''){
if($xz_id == $val){
if($xz_zt == 'false'){
$user_xz .= $val . '-false|';
if($xz_zt == 'true'){
$v = str_replace('-false','',$val);
$user_xz .= $v . '|';
$user_xz .= $val . '|';
if($user_xz != ''){
$sql = "UPDATE `wp_mx_usermeta` SET `meta_value` = '" . $user_xz . "' WHERE `uid` = " . $user_id . " AND `meta_key` LIKE 'xz'";
return '勋章状态修改成功!';
return 'BUG!BUG!BUG!BUG!BUG!请联系站长处理!';
return '您不存在此勋章!';
return '勋章状态值为空!!';
return '勋章ID为空!';
整体替换 或 备份一下 在替换下面的修改代码就可以了。
注意:替换前一定要备份下源代码 修改代码有风险 切记一定要备份一下在修改的!!!
最后声明下 代码部分来自于互联网 我这边只是进行修改整理 版权还是归原作者所有 最后最后的提醒就是不会操作的话在站内私信我给你整也可以!
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